Who Are We?
The WWII Polish LHG is comprised of two, separate, recreated Polish units. The 305 Polish Bomber Squadron ,and 10th Dragoon Regt, 2nd line squadron (click highlighted links to enter) all fall under the overall umbrella organization. All members are strictly volunteers who have a passion for researching Poland’s contributions to the ultimate allied victory in 1945. By bringing the stories, uniforms and equipment out for public display, it is our hope that the general public may come to appreciate the magnitude of Poland’s role in WWII. Although our primary representation are these two units, at times our displays have been tailored to fit other organizations such as the II Corps in Italy.
We also have a Facebook page with additional photos and other interesting information you might not find here. Feel free to visit by clicking here.

Why The Polish Military?
Poland fielded the fourth largest allied manpower contingent to the war effort. This country lost almost one fifth of it’s prewar population in defense of European and world freedom. At the end of the war due to political concessions made by Poland’s allies at Yalta, the surviving Polish population suffered under the yoke of communism for nearly 50 years. The country that first stood up to German aggression in 1939 and never surrendered was not allowed to march in the London victory parade of 1945. Much of the history of what these valiant soldiers did in North Africa, Italy, Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean and in the skies has been lost during the cold war. It is time for their stories to be told and their contributions to be recognized. This is our goal.

Veteran Interaction
One of our goals is to interview as many WWII Polish veterans as possible and record their stories for future generations. If you would like to be contacted for a telephone or email interview, please contact our site administrator. email: admin@wwiipolishlhg.org

Website designed by Nathan Weisskopf
how does one join
Hello Robert, Please take a look at our “contact” section of the website which gives our general outline for membership within the group. If you have any questions please feel free to drop us a line at admin@wwiipolishlhg.org – Thanks
Would you be able to direct me to where I can purchase exiled polish army re-enactment uniform items? My son and I have participated in a couple of re-enactments and we very much enjoy the events. My father Colonel Emil Skulski was in WW2 on the Italian front after being released from the Russian Gulags. He was wounded at Monte Cassino and was a pilot with the 663. He was also a recipient of the Virtuti Militari.
Hello Leszek – Thanks for reaching out and great to hear about you and your son’s participation at events. On behalf of our organization we’d like to thank your father for his service to Poland and the II Corps. To my knowledge, there is no single source one stop shopping for all Polish related uniform items and not all vendors are created equal in the quality of their reproductions.
The first step is to determine what specifically are you looking for in terms of theater, unit and year you’re interested in. Please drop us a line via our email at: admin@wwiipolishlhg.org
Great job. Congratulations ! Hello from France.