
Where are we located and what are our recruitment policies?

We currently have members in NY, PA, VA and S.C. Most of our displays take place at centrally located historic sites or private venues in the mid Atlantic states and Virginia. All member units of the WWII Polish LHG are open to motivated new recruits. Polish ancestry is not required. We’re looking for people who enjoy research, camaraderie and are comfortable interacting with the public. This hobby is not a spectator sport. The commitment in time and money is significant but well worth the effort. In order to satisfy various state firearms laws we also require members to be at least 18 years of age.

If you are interested in joining or learning more, contact us at: We can arrange to meet at one our of various displays. Our unit generally attends approximately three large events per year. Members also participate in smaller, more local venues with reduced footprint. If you are of average size we might be able to outfit you with uniform and equipment as loaner gear for one or two events to make sure this is the right hobby for you before investing in your own kit.